What if you have a band Scar Surgery

Since late 1980 , the band surgery has become the answer to getting a hair transplant without pluggy search result . Before this , doctors use large strokes . These range from the size of the diameter of about 2-4 mm . This left the donor areas on the head with large round scars. And inserted grafts were thick and looks like doll hair .

Band Surgery has introduced the concept of follicular units. In the head, the hair tends to grow in clusters , from January to May follicles. Follicular units are essentially the grafts are made of these clusters . The transfer of these groups in a region of the head to the other can produce very natural results. Therefore, surgery is also known band , the transfer follicular units.

This technique has allowed physicians to reproduce the appearance of the models of natural hair growth . He also helped change the stigma associated with transplant surgery that many people have learned to associate these procedures with the appearance of hair plugs .
The band Scar Surgery

Graft surgery are taken from the side of the narrow sections on the scalp back (or sides) of the head. When the edges of the split are closed , which results in permanent linear scar .

Many men fear exposing these scars, as they certainly indicate that a hair restoration procedure has been done. Patients often develop their hair long . While some people are perfectly comfortable with these models , others prefer a shorter and more conservative look .

What if you already had band surgery

Although scars are permanent FUT , no person shall be limited to worry about their visibility for the rest of their lives.
FUE can be used to collect new grafts. The surgeon essentially punch FUE instruments used to remove the follicles from different areas of the head. And these are inserted into the donor scar tissue where the band was excised .

Scar tissue is composed primarily of collagen fibers which are present in the whole skin disorder . Hair does not grow through the fabric. Therefore, the remains of camouflage cleavage of the side with the hair should be a deliberate process .

The end result of the use of FUE is often quite remarkable. The key , of course , would be to use enough grafts to produce the best coverage. Frequently , you can use the bristles. But there are many cases where the patient has undergone multiple surgeries band . And it may not be enough grafts to hide all the scars.

These days , the shortage of grafts in the head can easily be passed through the body hair transplant surgery . With these methods, it is possible to harvest the follicles of various body regions. These hairs can be used to provide additional protection for the head areas requiring these additional resources.

Once this is achieved , the side of the scar is much less sensitive ( if applicable). There are even many examples of patients who feel confident enough to wear styles short haircut .

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