5 Ways to Maximize Happiness

Start the countdown Happiness
Since 1937 , a group of 268 men who graduated from Harvard University analyzed , discussed , summoned and interrogated by a group of doctors , psychologists , anthropologists , sociologists , psychiatrists and physiologists . The project tracking these men throughout their lives in order to determine the magic formula for happiness and success.Ways Grant 's study , as it became known , continues today after 72 years.Maximize
A lot of data on participants in the study are as comprehensive biographies , fighting overseas assignment , marriage, divorce , hiring and firing . His personality traits , quirks and neuroses are saved diligently , giving intimate looks at the most intimate corners of the lives of these men.Happiness

Despite careful investigation, one of the main things the Grant study has shown is that you can not sum up the happiness of a fixed equation .Ways  There are certain constants hung between the profiles of the best and brightest , including healthy relationships and emotional buoyancy , but life throws simply too many variables to derive a specific algorithm for lasting happiness.

Fortunately , humans are wired to learn and grow .Maximize Just as we can physically train the muscles to become stronger and stronger, mentally we can train ourselves to have more pleasure in the mundane.Ways  Therefore, positive psychologists often refer to people's innate "resilience " . Although the context and personal circumstances , the human spirit is incredibly resilient and malleable. Research has shown that to achieve happier, should exploit this potential by activating your body and mind with joy.Happiness

1) The conformation  Ways

One of the most common advice offered to stimulate happiness to sweat your way to a smile . The jury is still out on the exact relationship between exercise and happiness , but the general idea is that exercise reduces the amount of cortisol , a stress hormone , in the blood and endorphins pumping volume .Maximize When endorphin hormones enter the brain , which block receptors normally reserved for pain , so we associate with positive feelings.

A recent study by the University of Bristol found that participants who exercised before work or at lunch were much calmer and less stressed than those who did not.Ways  Not only active group members in the best mood, but also met with requests for more time and more effective interpersonal skills have improved .Maximize Interestingly , the active group developed their own workout routines , instead of following a plan. Despite variations in the intensity and duration , about three quarters of them felt better .Ways  Similarly, in 2008 , the American Heart Association has published the findings that only 20-30 minutes walk from two to three times a week can make you happier .Happiness

Besides the brighter outlook , exercise also lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease .Maximize It takes discipline to make a regular habit of exercise, but the gain is manifold.Happiness

2) Build a community

Grant In the study , researchers found that the best predictor of happiness in old age was the depth and breadth of social networks . In general , people who make stronger connections with others are the most happiness.Ways  This is true among young people and , according to a survey of 2,002 students at the University of Illinois. Students who reported the highest happiness levels all enjoyed solid friend and family ties and the time spent maintaining these relationships on a regular basis .Happiness

Even if you are not a social butterfly , it is important to communicate with each other in some way , if you want to maximize happiness . Eminent psychologist Martin Selig man emphasizes the value conscious acts of kindness. Again and again, when people volunteer to participate in a religious group or even hold a door open , harvested the fruits of happiness.Ways  Like it or not, there is something powerful in helping others , encouraging genuine joy .Maximize

3 ) Remain present and positive  Happiness

Can not wait to make them happy , because you can not take away the boredom. Part of maximizing happiness is to stay actively aware of their situation and the power you have in your response.Ways  According to Daniel Gilbert , author of " Stumbling on Happiness " , a lot of people get stuck in presenteeism , or the belief that current emotional states will persist in the future. In other words , people lose hope for a ray of light or a curve in the road, when sometimes you just have to look a little harder for him.Happiness

See the glass half full can be difficult because everyone is equipped with innate optimism . Martin Selig man , one of the pioneers of positive psychology (the branch of psychology devoted to the determination of happiness ), argues that people can learn from the line. Pessimists are more likely to overestimate the severity of difficult situations and assume that its effects will echo forever.Ways On the contrary , to practice learned optimism , people must be trained to deal with problems as soluble temporary situations .Happiness
This type of emotional resilience is also a common feature among the brightest stars in the Harvard Grant study . The men who could handle the crisis with a touch of hope and optimism did better on the road.Ways

4) Enjoy the little things

Sometimes it's hard to pay attention to what happens around us. During traffic - travel stuck , it is often easier for the area and listen to the radio rather than admire landscapes or reflect on the day's accomplishments . However, learning to be attentive to small gifts presented to us is the key to maximizing happiness.Ways  This can be as simple as learning to say " thank you" or even keep up a couple of positive things that happened newspaper.Happiness
As trite as a gratitude journal enough, psychologists have found that people who have a better idea. Psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky had an experimental group noted they were grateful for once a week , a control group was not given a gratitude journal . After six weeks , the experimental group showed a significant increase in happiness.

The next time someone tells you to count your blessings, listen to advice .Happiness

5 ) Go with the Flow Ways

Think about the last action that has made that gave a real sense of satisfaction. It could be a fan of the projection of the tennis court , a telephone conversation two hours with your best friend or planting an herb garden . Whatever the pursuit, the main reason why I might have felt so good after it has entered a state of flux. The flow concept , coined by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihihalyi refers to entering into a state of engaging in an activity.Happiness Flow statements provide a balance between challenge and ease , thereby improving their feelings rewarding .
The flow is more common among artists, athletes and religious enthusiasts , but does not exclude other people to find a niche too .Ways  Participate in something that suits your personal strength and offers opportunities for improvement can be put in place for traffic. In short , find something you love and get lost in it.Happiness

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